One of the biggest reservoirs in the United Kingdom, Wimbleball Lake on Exmoor in Somerset, has seen its water levels drop to 20% following the driest conditions in England since 1995. This time last year this reservoir was at 70% of its capacity with a water store of over 21,000 megalitres of water over its 374-acre site!

This past summer the area of Somerset experienced its driest period in over 130 years as well as the hottest temperatures ever recorded in the region. This added immense pressure to the water resources and led to the first hosepipe ban in over 26 years.

So, how can businesses save water?

  • Leak detections- checking if your site has any leaks and repairing them, not only will save water but will also save you money in the long run.
  • A Water Audit- improving your water efficiency will also not only help save water but again will save you money. A simple water audit can show you which appliances can be altered to reduce its consumption. for example: applying a specially designed bag to your toilet system results in your system using less water but still being just as effective for its use.