Water Bill Analysis:

Could you be throwing money down the drain with hidden incorrect charges in your bill?

The English market was deregulated in 2017 and approximately only 16% of eligible customers have switched. This means 84% has never moved. Water bills can be very complex with hidden incorrect charges which have never been corrected.

We estimate that 1 in 3 bills are incorrect. Recently Ofwat have issued a Direction to Comply after it found 5 water retailers have been overcharging some customers, we were not one of them 😊

Let our professional experience team look over your current water bill at no cost. If we do find any overcharge, which we can claim back up to 10 years, you will get 50% of any net refund. Going forward, you will also save money from being billed correctly.

Our forensic Desk Top Audit will check:

  • Historical consumption patterns and benchmark your business against similar business in your industry/sector.
  • Meter size and the Correct Tariff is charged for your business needs.
  • Unit costs, Return to Sewage and Surface Water Drainage are accurate.

ConservAqua are an independent water retailer, and our aim is to reduce your water consumption and therefor save you money. Making your Business more sustainable by using less water.

What have you got to lose, if we find nothing, you pay nothing, simply forward a recent invoice.

Send a copy of your bill to: sales@conservaqua.co.uk