The focus/DNA of ConservAqua is Sustainability and helping our customers reduce their bills and digitalize their water consumption.
Our emphasis on real time reads, using modern meter reading technology and the user-friendly Aqua Manager online portal provides our customers with a comprehensive 24/7 – 365 days service. Also further enabling you to monitor and decrease CO2 emissions.
Allied to our Bill Audit and Site visits, we are confident that we will give customers unparalleled water security and ongoing Sustainability advice. Our case studies are solid proof of our ability to excel for customers across different business sectors.

Case Study – Football Club
ConservAqua, carried out desktop audit of water charges for this Football Club at the Stadium. The findings of this initial audit were validated by a site survey of the Club in November 2022 to confirm the potential or reducing charges, through tariff correction and water efficiency initiatives.
What we’ve done:
Through a series of tariff issues and incorrect billing a Refund of £5,500 and Ongoing annual saving = £43,000
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Case Study – Racecourse
The total potential savings that could be realised from more extensive bill validation and subsequent site work is as follows:
- Refund of historical charges = £10,700
- Ongoing savings through amendment to current tariffs = £3,000 per year
- Ongoing savings through water efficiency work = £10,000 per year
The basis of these savings are from a single site audit and review of recent water charges.
In addition to the savings identified for each water supply, we believe that there is a collective saving through a consolidated bill for the entire racecourse.
The realisation of the indicated savings is reliant on further site investigation, continuous monitoring of meter consumption using three data loggers and an extensive review of water charges for the last six years.
Conservaqua offer a unique 3-year retail contract in which we deliver normal billing services, in conjunction with the bill correction and water efficiency initiatives.
As part of this contract, we will also investigate the potential to move the source of irrigation water from potable to alternative types. This could be delivered through a longer-term project to ensure viability.
What we’ve done:
Coming out of the audit, we carried out a full account review of historical and current charges, plus investigated high water consumption on two water supplies.
This resulted in:
We have obtained a £80,000 leak refund, and Consolidated and corrected all accounts to reduce ongoing charges by 10% providing an Ongoing annual saving of £30,000.

Case Study – Golf Course
The total potential savings that could be realised from initial reductions of leaks and water wastage are as follows:
- Potential leakage/wastage within clubhouse = £1,500/year or 50% of current water charges
- Incorrect meter size charge = £400/year
- Removal of surface water charges = £290/year
There may also be the potential for reclaiming erroneous water charges relating to the meter size of £4,000.
Annual consumption for the golf clubhouse appears to be 2,000 cubic metres per year, which is around twice the expected figure. There are a number of outdoor water uses, in addition to typical clubhouse domestic water requirements, but none appeared to explain the discrepancy.
The site audit found no faults with any water fittings, or any water being wasted.
Fitting data logger to the main water supply meter is the first step in confirming audit findings and planning any remedial action.
The data logger will indicate levels of continuous underground leakage and any inefficient water use during opening hours.
Once sufficient flow data has been collected then Conservaqua will carry out further works to reduce the current level of water consumption.
What we’ve done:
Total refund: £3,075.96