At Conservaqua, we are passionate about helping schools to address the ever more important issues of Sustainability and the Environment. We know that our children have never been so engaged with these issues and we are set up to help schools act on this positive phenomenon.
Dedicated Water Engineers and Architects.
Our dedicated water engineers and architects are committed to find practical and cost-efficient ways to reduce water consumption in the school environment and help develop greater awareness among the school community.
A successful approach is twofold.
We need to alert all stakeholders to the easy behavioural changes that can be made to make a real difference BUT also to provide the practical actions that assist the reduction in water usage. Studies by Waterwise* have shown that real differences can be maintained by the application of both practical and behavioural changes and this knowledge can filter from the school to the home environment for even greater positive results.
Our proposal on switching
to ConservAqua:

Water Rate
Deemed rates as set by OFWAT.

Bill Audit
We offer audits to identify water efficiency but also areas of savings such as:
- Surface water charges
- Trade effluent charges for pools
- RTS allowances for pool evaporation/pitch irrigation/garden watering
The audit ensures the correct water and sewerage asset charges are applied and benchmarks the school against comparable establishments to confirm the level of water efficiency.

Data Logger Installation
We install data loggers as part of our process to identify underground leaks, carry out leak detection and repairs. Automated data loggers ensure that water reads are live and transmitted automatically, ensuring that future leaks/malfunctions are spotted and reported to us (and you) immediately.

Water Efficiency Initiative
We will investigate and carry out effective initiatives such as:
- Washroom Renovations
- Rainwater harvest systems
- Potential Bore holes
- Sports field Analysis

WIN/WIN for schools
The great news for schools is that our work will keep the Bursar happy as well as all of us who care about sustainability and the environment. We want to reduce your bills and improve your green footprint. It really is a win/win.

Shared Savings Scheme
Uniquely at Conservaqua we offer a Shared Savings Scheme which means that we are incentivised to reduce your bills and secure refunds for past bills, something that is more attainable than many realise due to our expertise. Our comprehensive Bill Audit process and efficiency work means we can confidently predict bill reductions and if we don’t achieve them for you we don’t get paid for that work.

Customer Service
On top of reducing customer’s bills, streamlining the meter-reading and billing service, we also pride ourselves on improving our customers’ service experience. We will allocate a dedicated account manager, available on phone or email promptly to deal with any queries/problems. We will establish alarms on the AMR loggers to alert us to any potential leaks and keep in touch with our customers with ongoing suggestions to reduce water consumption. We don’t sign schools up and forget about them, we want to establish an ongoing partnership. Please join us at Conservaqua and let’s reduce water consumption together.
Switch today to reduce your school’s water consumption.
Choose ConservAqua to Benefit from:
- Cheaper Bills
- Greener schools
- Greater awareness
- Possible Refunds
- Improved Customer Service